Tag Archives: charbonneau

Letter from Clark to Charbonneau

On Board the Perogue Near the Ricara Village August 20th 1806 Charbono Sir Your present situation with the Indians givs me some concern. I wish now that I had advised you to come on with me to the Illinois where it most probably would be in my power to put…

Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, “Pomp”

  Jean Baptiste Charbonneau was born on February 11, 1805 in Fort Mandan, near what today is Washburn, North Dakota. He was the son of  and . He was nicknamed Pomp, as was the tradition with the first born son of a  mother. When Jean Baptiste was 55 days old…

Early Life

Sacagawea’s actual day of birth is not known. Scholars think she may have been born around 1788 in Lemhi County, Idaho among the Agaidikas or Salmon-Eater Shoshones of the Lemhi . The Lemhi Shoshone belonged to the north band of Shoshones that lived along the Lemhi and Salmon Rivers banks….