Timeline of the life of Sacagawea
c.1788 – in Lemhi County, Idaho. She belonged to the Agaidika band of the Northern also known as Snake Indians. c.1800 – In a confrontation between the Hidatsas and Sacagawea’s tribe, , Sacagawea and other young women were kidnapped. The Hidatsas sold Sacagawea to French Canadian fur-trader, who made…
Controversy of Sacagawea’s death
The death of Sacagawea is as controversial as the spelling of her name. The most accepted and the one that most historians support is 1812 as the date of her death. Others, relying on American Indian oral tradition believe that she died in 1884 in Shoshone lands.
Sacagawea’s tribe, the Shoshone
Sacagawea belonged to the Lemhi Shoshone band of Northern Shoshones who lived in the Tendoy/Salmon Idaho area. The Lemhi-Shoshone tribe is made up of the Agaidikas or Salmon-Eater Shoshone and the Tukidikas or Sheep-Eater Shoshone. Sacagawea belonged to the Agaidikas and is the most well-known member of the Shoshone….
Historical Landmarks
Before the centennial of the Lewis and Clark expedition little was known about Sacagawea. A book published in 1902 by Eva Emery Dye; The Conquest: The True Story of Lewis and Clark popularized her image as that of a heroine who guided the expedition to success. Activist for women’s…
Letter from Clark to Charbonneau
On Board the Perogue Near the Ricara Village August 20th 1806 Charbono Sir Your present situation with the Indians givs me some concern. I wish now that I had advised you to come on with me to the Illinois where it most probably would be in my power to put…
Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, “Pomp”
Jean Baptiste Charbonneau was born on February 11, 1805 in Fort Mandan, near what today is Washburn, North Dakota. He was the son of and . He was nicknamed Pomp, as was the tradition with the first born son of a mother. When Jean Baptiste was 55 days old…
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Summary After the 1803 Louisiana Purchase, President Thomas Jefferson ordered an expedition to explore the northwestern portion of the country by a group of Army volunteers called the Corps of Discovery. The expedition was organized under the command of Captains William Clark and Meriwether Lewis. The objective of the…
Toussaint Charbonneau
Charbonneau was a particular individual, the least liked of all the members of the. Lewis referred to him as “a man of no peculiar merit”. Historians have portrayed him as a coward who hit his wife and had a particular attraction to young Native American girls. He is…
Sacagawea Dollar Coin Designs
– It circulated until 2008. The Eagle on the reverse was designed by Thomas D. Rogers. The obverse has not changed and was designed by Gelnna Goodcare. Sacagawea Dollar Coin design from 2000 – 2008 2009 Design – The first change in design of the reverse side of the coin…
Sacagawea Dollar
The Sacagawea Dollar coin was first released for circulation on January 27, 2000 with the purpose of honoring Sacagawea, the Shoshone woman who accompanied Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the Pacific Ocean. From 2000 to 2008 the eagle was part of the design on the reverse of the…
Early Life
Sacagawea’s actual day of birth is not known. Scholars think she may have been born around 1788 in Lemhi County, Idaho among the Agaidikas or Salmon-Eater Shoshones of the Lemhi . The Lemhi Shoshone belonged to the north band of Shoshones that lived along the Lemhi and Salmon Rivers banks….
Later Years and Death
Sacagawea, and lived among the Hidatsas for the next three years after the . In 1810 Charbonneau decided to take possession of the 320 acres of land he earned for his services to the Corps and moved his family to St. Louis, Missouri. Used to the frontier land Charbonneau…